Diamonds are the most expensive stone ever. And there are a lot of types of diamond that comes into many colors and shapes. Let us see here what are those types of diamonds.
Pink Diamonds – this is the most rare and valuable diamond in the whole world. And the one who only produced this kind of diamond is the argyle mine. It is the world’s foremost source of unrivalled intense pink diamonds that produces 95%.
White Diamonds – this is the most common diamond that produced by mines all over the world in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The Argyle mine has produces a brilliant and high quality of white diamond.
Champagne Diamonds – this are the natural colored type of diamonds that produced in wide range of colors from light straw to rich cognac.
Pink Champagne Diamonds – this are an attractive champagne diamonds with some secondary pink color. These are also available and command a higher price of per carat in it compared to an ordinary champagne diamonds. this are also available in three ranges of shades, the light pink champagne to medium and to dark pink champagne.
Yellow Diamonds – this are comes in broad range of shades from light yellow up to canary color.
Blue Diamonds – this type of diamond are also available in a wide range of shades from blue sky to more steely color than a sapphire
Green Diamonds – this are also available type of diamonds. . its color penetration is not so deep and are often removed during the fashion of the stone
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